The TaylorJames Healthcare Blog.
Advice and opinions from a working healthcare worker and educator.

WTF Does This Mean? CMTBC’s New Evidence Based Practice Standard for RMTs
Although this is representative of the new scope of practice standard, I wrote this for edutainment (education + entertainment) purposes only, and should not be taken seriously by anyone.
Janda’s Cross Syndromes.
You don’t need science, or research to debunk the ortho model. All you need is to know it thoroughly. If you try and apply it using it’s own rules, it soon becomes obvious that it doesn’t even support itself.
Always Carry Your Umbrella
Name calling is unprofessional, and it sours the ‘vibe’.
I know there’s a lot of people who tap out of a conversation because the vibe wasn’t good for them. I get it.
Let’s go over a few things, because there’s a few things to unpack here.
Cultural influences, just poor form, and options for what we can do about it.
Pleasure is Not A Dirty Word
Traditionally, massage therapists where I come from use a pain scale, but maybe we can do a little better.
Here’s one proposal.
IASTM? Whatever Butters Your Bread!
If you like using IASTM, that’s great! Keep doing it! Here’s a little food for thought.
Sports massage. It’s not hot sauce.
I love sports massage! It totally works, but does it work the way that we thought, and how much does that matter?
Back Pain – From This Side, and That Side of the Therapeutic Relationship. A Practitioner’s Personal Story.
Going from expert to expert, and get different answers made me wonder if anyone knew what they were talking about.
Taylah, Taylah, Taaaylah…you have to *listen* to the patient.
Everything is better in a Trinidadian accent…even an ‘exit interview’.
What’s with the resistance?
If the reasons why something works are debunked, that does’t mean that we necessarily have to change what we do.
Why I became a massage therapist.
Sometimes, making poorly informed decisions get the best results!